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Second Consecutive Convoy for Community Awareness: "Benha National University" Launched a Comprehensive Awareness Convoy for a Language School in Obour

Benha National University has launched its second Convoy aimed at raising awareness about various community issues, targeting younger age groups and official language schools in El Obour City. The Convoy included medical, cultural, and artistic aspects and focused on Omar Ibn Al-Khattab School in El Obour City.

The Convoy featured workshops and awareness lectures for the school’s students and staff on various topics, including:

  • Prevention Methods: Guidelines for adhering to health protocols and preventing viruses.
  • Dental Health: Importance of daily oral hygiene and protecting dental health.
  • Nutritional Balance: Healthy eating habits to ensure overall body health.
  • Physical Activity: Raising awareness about the importance of physical activity.
  • Addiction Risks: A lecture on the dangers of addiction and the destructive effects of drugs on individuals and society.

This initiative is part of the "Awareness" campaign launched by the university in collaboration with the "Decent Life" Foundation, with participation from the National Council for Women, the Education Directorate, and the Drug Addiction Treatment Fund in kalyobiya Governorate. The campaign aims to enhance community development and raise awareness about vital issues that impact the quality of life and the future of society.